Fed by snowmelt from the Warner Mountains, the Pit River creates a 7,000 acre oasis for wildlife in the high desert of northeastern California -- Modoc National Wildlife Refuge.

Visit Us

Take advantage of the recreational opportunities provided by the National Wildlife Refuge System. Come visit us at the Modoc NWR!

Location and Contact Information


    What We Do

    The Modoc NWR protects water for wildlife, enhances habitat, and engages the public in wetland conservation.

    Our Organization

    A bright blue sky obstructed by fluffy white clouds reflected off of a stream shot from inside a kayak
    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages an unparalleled network of public lands and waters called the National Wildlife Refuge System. With more than 570 refuges spanning the country, this system protects iconic species and provides some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities on Earth.

    Our Species

    At the Modoc NWR, you can find a variety of wildlife including the Sandhill Crane, Snow Goose, Tundra Swan, Otter, and more!

    Our Library

    Explore documents related to refuge habitat, recreational opportunities, surveys and more.

    Modoc NWR Westside Hunt Regulations and Map

    This document includes the Modoc NWR westside hunt regulations as well as a map of the westside hunting area. 

    The ADA hunt blinds on the westside hunt map are numbered south to north, with the southernmost blind as #1 and the northernmost blind as #3.

    Grandma Tract Hunt Regulations and Map

    This document includes hunting regulations and a hunt unit map for the Grandma Tract at Modoc NWR.

    Modoc NWR's ADA Hunt Blind Locations Map

    This is a map that shows Modoc NWR's ADA hunt blind locations. There are 3 ADA hunt blinds available. 

    The blinds are numbered south to north, with the southernmost blind as #1 and the northernmost blind as #3. 

    Get Involved

    Modoc NWR has many opportunities for volunteers and partners in wildlife, habitat and visitor use projects. 

    Projects and Research

    Learn more about research and projects at Modoc NWR.