Michigan Wetland Management District has five waterfowl production areas totaling 629 acres in four counties with plans to expand as funding and lands become available. Schoonover, Malan, Kinney, Schlee and Edger Waterfowl Production Areas provide nesting, resting and brood rearing grounds for various waterfowl and other wildlife.

Visit Us

Michigan Wetland Management District lands are open for public use including hunting and other wildlife-dependent activities such as wildlife observation, photography and environmental education. State hunting and trapping regulations apply to the area. Please observe and respect the property boundaries of surrounding landowners.

Location and Contact Information


    What We Do

    Michigan Wetland Management District is made up of five separate waterfowl production areas which consist of restored grassland and wetland habitats. To restore the diversity of habitat found on the areas, we use a variety of techniques including prescribed fire, planting native plants and people management. These tools allow us restore habitats for waterfowl and other wildlife.

    Our Species

    Nature enthusiasts will enjoy a trip to one of the waterfowl production areas on the district. These special places set up specifically for breeding waterfowl and other wildlife are home to more than 170 species of birds, as well as reptiles and amphibians, mammals and hundreds of species of plants, fungi and insects.