By logging into this agency computer system, you acknowledge and consent to the monitoring of this system. Evidence of your use, authorized or unauthorized, collected during monitoring may be used for civil, criminal, administrative, or other adverse action. Unauthorized or illegal use may subject you to prosecution. This computer system, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices (including Internet access), is provided by the Department of the Interior (DOI) in accordance with the agency policy for official use and limited personal use. All agency computer systems may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including but not limited to, ensuring that use is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability and operational security. Any information on this computer system may be examined, recorded, copied and used for authorized purposes at any time. All information, including personal information, placed or sent over this system may be monitored, and users of this system are reminded that such monitoring does occur. Therefore, there should be no expectation of privacy with respect to use of this system.
If you are a returning user, and do not have a account, click the login button and create an account with using the same email you used to create your account on this site. If there are any issues regarding the INAD Database contact us at
Participation in the INAD PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM or USFWS Drug and Chemical Collection requires that each facility/office user (i.e., Investigator or reporting individual), as well as each facility's/office's Study Monitor or FHPSupervisor/Approver user, create individual user accounts. Pending review by the AADAP Office, each facility/office and Study Monitor or FHP Supervisor/Approver will receive email notification with respect to the successful establishment of new user accounts.
Note: this login is for either the INAD database or the USFWS Drug and Chemical database. Different participants can be listed for a facility/office if they are participating in both databases.