[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 110 (Thursday, June 6, 2024)]
[Pages 48437-48440]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-12370]



Fish and Wildlife Service

[FWS-R4-ES-2024-N023; FXES11130900000C2-201-FF09E32000]

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Initiation of 5-
Year Status Reviews for 59 Southeastern Species

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of initiation of reviews; request for information.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are initiating 5-year 
status reviews under the Endangered Species Act for 59 animal and plant 
species. A 5-year review is an assessment of the best scientific and 
commercial data available at the time of the review to ensure the 
accuracy of the species' classification as endangered or threatened. We 
are requesting submission of any such information that has become 
available since the previous status review for each species.

DATES: To ensure consideration of your information in our reviews, we 
must receive your comments or information on or before August 5, 2024. 
However, we will continue to accept new information about any of the 
species at any time.

ADDRESSES: For instructions on how to submit information for a species, 
see the table in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request information on specific 
species, contact the appropriate person in the table in the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section or, for general information, contact 
Aaron Valenta, via phone at (404) 679-4144, via email at 
[email protected], or via U.S. mail at U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, 1875 Century Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30345. Individuals in the 
United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a 
speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access 
telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United 
States should use the relay services offered within their country to 
make international calls to the point-of-contact in the United States.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are 
initiating 5-year status reviews under the Endangered Species Act of 
1973, as amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), for 36 animal species 
and 23 plant species. A 5-year status review is based on the best 
scientific and commercial data available at the time of the review; 
therefore, we are requesting submission of any such information that 
has become available since the last review for the species, 
particularly information on the status, threats, and recovery of the 

Why do we conduct a 5-year review?

    Under the ESA, we maintain Lists of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife and Plants (which we collectively refer to as the List) in 
title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 17.11 (for 
wildlife) and 50 CFR 17.12 (for plants). Section 4(c)(2)(A) of the ESA 
requires us to review each listed species' status at least once every 5 
years. Our regulation at 50 CFR 424.21 requires that we publish a 
notice in the Federal Register announcing that a species is under 
active review; however, we may review the status of the species at any 
time based upon a petition or other information available to us. For 
additional information about 5-year reviews, refer to our fact sheet 
at: https://www.fws.gov/project/five-year-status-reviews.

What information do we consider in our review?

    A 5-year review considers the best scientific and commercial data 
that have become available since the current listing determination or 
most recent status review of each species, such as:
    (A) Species biology, including but not limited to population 
trends, distribution, abundance, demographics, habitat requirements, 
tolerance thresholds, and genetics;
    (B) Habitat conditions, including but not limited to amount, 
distribution, and suitability;
    (C) Conservation measures that have been or are planned to be 
implemented to benefit the species;
    (D) Current threats and trends in relation to the five listing 
factors (as defined in section 4(a)(1) of the ESA); and
    (E) Other new information, data, or corrections, including but not 
limited to taxonomic or nomenclatural changes,

[[Page 48438]]

identification of erroneous information contained in the List, and 
improved analytical methods.
    New information will be considered in the 5-year review and ongoing 
recovery programs for the species.

Which species are under review?

    This notice announces 5-year status reviews for the species listed 
in the table below.

                                                                                              Final listing
                                                                       Locations where the    rule (Federal
           Common name              Scientific name       Listing      species is known to  Register citation     Contact person,     Contact's mailing
                                                           status             occur          and publication       email, phone            address
Choctawhatchee beach mouse......  Peromyscus           E              FL..................  50 FR 23872; June  Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                   polionotus                                                6, 1985.           [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                   allophrys.                                                                   , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Southeastern beach mouse........  Peromyscus           T              FL..................  54 FR 20598; May   Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 7915
                                   polionotus                                                12, 1989.          [email protected]   Baymeadows Way,
                                   niveiventris.                                                                , 352-749-2462.       Suite 200,
                                                                                                                                      Jacksonville, FL
St. Andrew beach mouse..........  Peromyscus           E              FL..................  63 FR 70053;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                   polionotus                                                December 18,       [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                   peninsularis.                                             1998.              , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Florida scrub-jay...............  Aphelocoma           T              FL..................  52 FR 20715; June  Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 7915
                                   coerulescens.                                             3, 1987.           [email protected]   Baymeadows Way,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       Suite 200,
                                                                                                                                      Jacksonville, FL
Ringed map turtle...............  Graptemys oculifera  T              LA, MS..............  51 FR 45907;       Luke Pearson,         USFWS, 6578 Dogwood
                                                                                             December 23,       [email protected]   View Pkwy.,
                                                                                             1986.              v, 601-321-1125.      Jackson, MS 39213.
Alabama sturgeon................  Scaphirhynchus       E              AL..................  65 FR 26438; May   Scott Lamont,         USFWS, 1208B Main
                                   suttkusi.                                                 5, 2000.           [email protected]   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                                                v, 251-441-5857.      36526.
Barrens topminnow...............  Fundulus julisia...  E              TN..................  84 FR 56131;       Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                                                                             October 21,        [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                             2019.              v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Bayou darter....................  Etheostoma rubrum..  T              MS..................  40 FR 44149;       Matt Wagner,          USFWS, 6578 Dogwood
                                                                                             September 25,      matthew_wagner@fws.   View Pkwy.,
                                                                                             1975.              gov, 610-763-9074.    Jackson, MS 39213.
Bluemask (=jewel) darter........  Etheostoma akatulo.  E              TN..................  58 FR 68480;       Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                                                                             December 27,       [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                             1993.              v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Conasauga logperch..............  Percina jenkinsi...  E              GA, TN..............  50 FR 31597;       Martha Zapata,        USFWS, RG Stephens,
                                                                                             August 5, 1985.    [email protected]   Jr. Federal
                                                                                                                ov, 706-535-2118.     Building, 355 East
                                                                                                                                      Hancock Ave.,
                                                                                                                                      Athens, GA 30601.
Rush darter.....................  Etheostoma           E              AL..................  76 FR 48722;       Jennifer Grunewald,   USFWS, 1208B Main
                                   phytophilum.                                              August 9, 2011.    jennifer_grunewald@   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                                                fws.gov, 251-424-     36526.
Waccamaw silverside.............  Menidia extensa....  T              NC..................  52 FR 11277;       Pete Benjamin,        USFWS, P.O. Box
                                                                                             April 8, 1987.     [email protected],   33726, Raleigh, NC
                                                                                                                984-308-0802.         27636-3726.
Yellowfin madtom................  Noturus flavipinnis  T              TN, VA..............  42 FR 45526;       Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                                                                             September 9,       [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                             1977.              v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Alabama lampmussel..............  Lampsilis virescens  E              AL, MS, TN..........  41 FR 24062; June  Erin Sasser,          USFWS, 1208B Main
                                                                                             14, 1976.          [email protected]   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                                                , 251-441-5842.       36526.
Arkansas fatmucket..............  Lampsilis powelli..  T              AR..................  55 FR 12797;       Chris Davidson,       USFWS, 110 South
                                                                                             April 5, 1990.     chris_davidson@fws.   Amity Road, Suite
                                                                                                                gov, 501-513-4481.    300, Conway, AR
Birdwing pearlymussel...........  Lemiox rimosus.....  E              TN, VA..............  41 FR 24062; June  Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                                                                             14, 1976.          [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                                                v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Cracking pearlymussel...........  Hemistena lata.....  E              AL, TN, VA..........  54 FR 39850;       Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                                                                             September 28,      [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                             1989.              v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Cumberland bean (pearlymussel)..  Villosa trabalis...  E              KY, TN..............  41 FR 24062; June  Taylor Fagin,         USFWS, 330 W
                                                                                             14, 1976.          [email protected]   Broadway, Ste.
                                                                                                                v, 502-653-0541.      265, Frankfort, KY
Cumberlandian combshell.........  Epioblasma           E              AL, KY, MS, TN, VA..  62 FR 1647;        Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                   brevidens.                                                January 10,        [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                             1997.              v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Dromedary pearlymussel..........  Dromus dromas......  E              AL, KY, TN, VA......  41 FR 24062; June  Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                                                                             14, 1976.          [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                                                v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Fat pocketbook..................  Potamilus capax....  E              AR, IL, IN, KY, LA,   41 FR 24062; June  Matt Wagner,          USFWS, 6578 Dogwood
                                                                       MS, MO, TN.           14, 1976.          matthew_wagner@fws.   View Pkwy.,
                                                                                                                gov, 610-763-9073.    Jackson, MS 39213.

[[Page 48439]]

Gulf moccasinshell..............  Medionidus           E              AL, FL, GA..........  63 FR 12664;       Sandy Abbott,         USFWS, RG Stephens,
                                   penicillatus.                                             March 16, 1998.    [email protected]   Jr. Federal
                                                                                                                v, 706-662-4615.      Building, 355 East
                                                                                                                                      Hancock Ave.,
                                                                                                                                      Athens, GA 30601.
Littlewing pearlymussel.........  Pegias fabula......  E              AL, KY, NC, TN, VA..  53 FR 45861;       Taylor Fagin,         USFWS, 330 W
                                                                                             November 14,       [email protected]   Broadway, Ste.
                                                                                             1988.              v, 502-653-0541.      265, Frankfort, KY
Neosho mucket...................  Lampsilis            E              AR, KS, MS, OK......  78 FR 57076;       Chris Davidson,       USFWS, 110 South
                                   rafinesqueana.                                            September 17,      chris_davidson@fws.   Amity Road, Suite
                                                                                             2013.              gov, 501-513-4481.    300, Conway, AR
Ochlockonee moccasinshell.......  Medionidus           E              FL, GA..............  63 FR 12664;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                   simpsonianus.                                             March 16, 1998.    [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Oval pigtoe.....................  Pleurobema           E              AL, FL, GA..........  63 FR 12664;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                   pyriforme.                                                March 16, 1998.    [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Purple bankclimber (mussel).....  Elliptoideus         T              AL, FL, GA..........  63 FR 12664;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                   sloatianus.                                               March 16, 1998.    [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Rabbitsfoot.....................  Quadrula cylindrica  T              AL, AR, IL, IN, KS,   78 FR 57076;       Chris Davidson,       USFWS, 110 South
                                   cylindrica.                         KY, LA, MS, MO, OH,   September 17,      chris_davidson@fws.   Amity Road, Suite
                                                                       OK, PA, TN.           2013.              gov, 501-513-4481.    300, Conway, AR
Shinyrayed pocketbook...........  Hamiota subangulata  E              AL, FL, GA..........  63 FR 12664;       Sandy Abbott,         USFWS, RG Stephens,
                                                                                             March 16, 1998.    [email protected]   Jr. Federal
                                                                                                                v, 706-662-4615.      Building, 355 East
                                                                                                                                      Hancock Ave.,
                                                                                                                                      Athens, GA 30601.
Armored marstonia (snail).......  Marstonia pachyta..  E              AL..................  65 FR 10033;       Erin Sasser,          USFWS, 1208B Main
                                                                                             February 25,       [email protected]   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                             2000.              , 251-441-5842.       36526.
Interrupted rocksnail...........  Leptoxis foremani..  E              AL, GA..............  75 FR 67512;       Erin Sasser,          USFWS, 1208B Main
                                                                                             November 2,        [email protected]   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                             2010.              , 251-441-5842.       36526.
Noonday snail...................  Mesodon clarki       T              NC..................  43 FR 28932; July  Jeff Quast,           USFWS, 160 Zillicoa
                                   nantahala.                                                3, 1978.           [email protected]   St., Asheville, NC
                                                                                                                ov, 828-258-3939.     28801.
Royal marstonia (snail).........  Marstonia            E              TN..................  59 FR 17994;       Andy Ford,            USFWS, 446 Neal
                                   ogmorhaphe.                                               April 15, 1994.    [email protected]   Street,
                                                                                                                v, 931-319-7747.      Cookeville, TN
Slender campeloma...............  Campeloma decampi..  E              AL..................  65 FR 10033;       Erin Sasser,          USFWS, 1208B Main
                                                                                             February 25,       [email protected]   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                             2000.              , 251-441-5842.       36526.
Tulotoma snail..................  Tulotoma magnifica.  T              AL..................  56 FR 797;         Erin Sasser,          USFWS, 1208B Main
                                                                                             January 9, 1991.   [email protected]   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                                                , 251-441-5842.       36526.
Saint Francis' satyr butterfly..  Neonympha            E              NC..................  60 FR 5264;        Pete Benjamin,        Saint Francis'
                                   mitchellii                                                January 26,        [email protected],   satyr butterfly
                                   francisci.                                                1995.              984-308-0802.
                                                                    Flowering Plants
Beach jacquemontia..............  Jacquemontia         E              FL..................  58 FR 62046;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                   reclinata.                                                November 24,       [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                             1993.              , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Bunched arrowhead...............  Sagittaria           E              NC, SC..............  44 FR 43700; July  Jeff Quast,           USFWS, 160 Zillicoa
                                   fasciculata.                                              25, 1979.          [email protected]   St., Asheville, NC
                                                                                                                ov, 828-258-3939.     28801.
Carter's mustard................  Warea carteri......  E              FL..................  52 FR 2227;        Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                                                                             January 21,        [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                             1987.              , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Cooley's meadowrue..............  Thalictrum cooleyi.  E              FL, GA, NC..........  54 FR 5935;        Pete Benjamin,        USFWS, P.O. Box
                                                                                             February 7,        [email protected],   33726, Raleigh, NC
                                                                                             1989.              984-308-0802.         27636-3726.
Green pitcher-plant.............  Sarracenia           E              AL, GA, NC..........  44 FR 54922;       Scott Wiggers,        USFWS, 6578 Dogwood
                                   oreophila.                                                September 21,      marion_wiggers@fws.   View Pkwy.,
                                                                                             1979.              gov, 228-475-0765.    Jackson, MS 39213.
Heller's blazingstar............  Liatris helleri....  T              NC..................  52 FR 44397;       Jeff Quast,           USFWS, 160 Zillicoa
                                                                                             November 19,       [email protected]   St., Asheville, NC
                                                                                             1987.              ov, 828-258-3939.     28801.
Highlands scrub hypericum.......  Hypericum            E              FL..................  52 FR 2227;        Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                   cumulicola.                                               January 21,        [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                             1987.              , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Kentucky glade cress............  Leavenworthia        T              KY..................  79 FR 25683; May   Mike Floyd,           USFWS, 330 W
                                   exigua var.                                               6, 2014.           [email protected],   Broadway, Ste.
                                   laciniata.                                                                   502-229-5433.         265, Frankfort, KY
Kral's water-plantain...........  Sagittaria           T              AL, GA..............  55 FR 13907;       Erin Lentz,           USFWS, 1208B Main
                                   secundifolia.                                             April 13, 1990.    [email protected],   Street, Daphne, AL
                                                                                                                251-298-3853.         36526.

[[Page 48440]]

Lakela's mint...................  Dicerandra           E              FL..................  50 FR 20212; May   Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                   immaculata.                                               15, 1985.          [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Palo de nigua...................  Cornutia obovata...  E              PR..................  53 FR 11610;       Marielle Peschiera,   USFWS, P.O. Box
                                                                                             April 7, 1988.     marielle_peschiera@   491,
                                                                                                                fws.gov, 786-244-     Boquer[oacute]n,
                                                                                                                0081.                 PR 00622.
Palo de Ram[oacute]n............  Banara vanderbiltii  E              PR..................  52 FR 1459;        Jose Cruz, jose_cruz- USFWS, P.O. Box
                                                                                             January 14,        [email protected], 786-  491,
                                                                                             1987.              244-0081.             Boquer[oacute]n,
                                                                                                                                      PR 00622.
Pigeon wings....................  Clitoria fragrans..  T              FL..................  58 FR 25746;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                                                                             April 27, 1993.    [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Pygmy fringe-tree...............  Chionanthus          E              FL..................  52 FR 2227;        Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                   pygmaeus.                                                 January 21,        [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                             1987.              , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Schweinitz's sunflower..........  Helianthus           E              NC, SC..............  56 FR 21087; May   Jeff Quast,           USFWS, 160 Zillicoa
                                   schweinitzii.                                             7, 1991.           [email protected]   St., Asheville, NC
                                                                                                                ov, 828-258-3939.     28801.
Scrub mint......................  Dicerandra           E              FL..................  50 FR 45621;       Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                   frutescens.                                               November 1,        [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                             1985.              , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Spreading avens.................  Geum radiatum......  E              NC, TN, VA..........  55 FR 12793;       Jeff Quast,           USFWS, 160 Zillicoa
                                                                                             April 5, 1990.     [email protected]   St., Asheville, NC
                                                                                                                ov, 828-258-3939.     28801.
Tiny polygala...................  Polygala smallii...  E              FL..................  50 FR 29345; July  Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 777 37th
                                                                                             18, 1985.          [email protected]   St., Suite D-101,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       Vero Beach, FL
Wheeler's peperomia.............  Peperomia wheeleri.  E              PR, VI..............  52 FR 1459;        Jose Cruz, jose_cruz- USFWS, P.O. Box
                                                                                             January 14,        [email protected], 786-  491,
                                                                                             1987.              244-0081.             Boquer[oacute]n,
                                                                                                                                      PR 00622.
White birds-in-a-nest...........  Macbridea alba.....  T              FL..................  57 FR 19813; May   Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                                                                             8, 1992.           [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                                                                                                , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Whorled sunflower...............  Helianthus           E              AL, GA, MS, TN......  79 FR 44712;       Scott Wiggers,        USFWS, 6578 Dogwood
                                   verticillatus.                                            August 1, 2014.    marion_wiggers@fws.   View Pkwy.,
                                                                                                                gov, 228-475-0765.    Jackson, MS 39213.
                                                                   Conifers and Allies
Florida torreya.................  Torreya taxifolia..  E              FL, GA..............  49 FR 2783;        Lourdes Mena,         USFWS, 1601 Balboa
                                                                                             January 23,        [email protected]   Ave., Panama City,
                                                                                             1984.              , 352-749-2462.       FL 32405.
Rock gnome lichen...............  Gymnoderma lineare.  E              GA, NC, SC, TN......  60 FR 3557;        Jeff Quast,           USFWS, 160 Zillicoa
                                                                                             January 18,        [email protected]   St., Asheville, NC
                                                                                             1995.              ov, 828-258-3939.     28801.

Request for New Information

    To ensure that a species' 5-year review is based on the best 
available scientific and commercial information, we request new 
information from all sources. Please use the contact information listed 
in the table above that is associated with the species for which you 
are submitting information. If you submit information, please support 
it with documentation such as maps, bibliographic references, methods 
used to gather and analyze the data, and/or copies of any pertinent 
publications, reports, or letters by knowledgeable sources.

How do I ask questions or provide information?

    If you wish to provide information for any species listed above, 
please submit your comments and materials to the appropriate contact in 
the table above. You may also direct questions to those contacts (also 

Public Availability of Comments

    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your submission, you should 
be aware that your entire submission--including your personal 
identifying information--may be made publicly available at any time. 
Although you can request that personal information be withheld from 
public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

Completed and Active Reviews

    A list of all completed and currently active 5-year status reviews 
can be found at https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/report/species-five-year-review.


    This document is published under the authority of the Endangered 
Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

Michael Oetker,
Regional Director, Southeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2024-12370 Filed 6-5-24; 8:45 am]