Is there a fee associated with CBRS determinations?

No. The Service does not charge a fee to process CBRS determinations.

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How does the Service make a CBRS determination?

The submitted materials are examined and the location of the property in question is confirmed, often using online resources such as property records and mapping tools provided by the local government. The property is then located in relation to the CBRS boundaries using digital parcel data, a plat or tax map, and/or aerial imagery, along with the official CBRS map for the area in question. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Maps are not used to determine the placement of the CBRS boundary for official CBRA determinations.

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How long does it take to make a CBRS determination?

It generally takes two to three weeks to complete a CBRS determination. The turn-around time depends on the staff resources available at the time and the CBRA Program's pending workload.

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Is there an appeals process for CBRS determinations?

There is not an official appeals process, however, interested parties may submit new information to the Service and ask for a reevaluation if they believe a CBRS determination is incorrect. If the location of the property has been correctly determined in relation to the CBRS boundary, then the Service's determination will not be changed.

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If I have an official CBRS determination letter from the Service that is a few years old, how can I tell if it is still valid?

If the Service's determination letter states that the property is located within the CBRS, the letter should list the CBRS unit number and date of the official CBRS map that was used to make the determination. To confirm whether the determination is still valid, the interested party can visit the Service's CBRS Mapper and follow these steps:

  • Locate the area of interest in the mapper.
  • Click on the location of interest. A pop-up window will open providing information for the area.
  • In the pop-up window, click on the map link. A PDF of the official map will then open in a separate tab or download.

If the date of the map on the website is the same as the date of the map referenced in the Service's letter, then the determination is still valid. If the determination letter states that the property is not located within the CBRS, there will be no unit number referenced in the letter, and therefore no way to check online to see if it is still valid. In cases such as this, the interested party should contact the Service office that issued the CBRA determination letter to see if a new map has been adopted that affects the subject property.

If the determination letter is no longer valid due to the adoption of a new map, the interested party should request a new CBRS determination from the Service.

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What is the process to change a CBRS boundary?

Please see the boundary modifications webpage on our website for information about how CBRS boundaries are changed.

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Can a CBRS boundary be changed via a Letter of Map Amendment?

No. CBRS boundaries cannot be changed by a Letter of Map Amendment. 

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Aerial view of an undeveloped coastal freshwater pond.
We administer the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA), which saves taxpayer dollars and encourages the conservation of storm-prone and dynamic coastal barriers by withdrawing the availability of federal funding and financial assistance within a designated set of units known as the John H. Chafee...