Acquired as part of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, this refuge provides a winter home for large concentrations of many species of ducks and geese.

Visit Us

The public is encouraged to visit the refuge year-round. Hunting and fishing opportunities attract many outdoor enthusiasts. As a significant wintering area for waterfowl, duck hunting can be excellent. Other refuge hunting seasons include deer, squirrel, rabbit, quail, and raccoon. The waterfowl sanctuary is closed to all public use from November 15 to February 28.

Hunting Information

Location and Contact Information


    Our Species

    Bounded on the south and east by the Little Red River and characterized by Overflow Creek which winds through its middle, Bald Knob NWR is a cross section of cypress tupelo brakes, oxbow lakes, bottomland hardwoods, and agricultural fields. This variety of habitats supports a tremendous array of plants and animals throughout the year.

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