The Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery is located at the base of Shasta Dam, north of Redding, California.

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    About Us

    Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery is a substation of the Coleman NFH. The hatchery first began operation in 1997 and released the first winter Chinook salmon in April 1998.

    What We Do

    A man holds a salmon in his hand while another man looks at the area near its fin
    Fish biologist Travis Webster checks the tag on a Chinook salmon held by fish culturist Beau Hopkins at Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery on March 17, 2021. | Image Details

     Livingston Stone NFH is the only hatchery in the world that raises winter-run Chinook salmon.  The winter-run Chinook salmon were listed as endangered on January 4,1994 under the Federal Enangered Species Act.  Each year the hatchery produces approximately 200,000 juvenile winter-run Chinook salmon for release into the upper-Sacramento River. 

    Adult salmon enter freshwater from the ocean in November and December and migrate to the upper reaches of the Sacramento River and spawning typically occurs from May-August, peaking in June and July.   Adult fish, known as broodstock broodstock
    The reproductively mature adults in a population that breed (or spawn) and produce more individuals (offspring or progeny).

    Learn more about broodstock
    , are captured at the Keswick Dam and transferred to Livingston Stone NFH for spawning.  At the hatchery fish are genetically tested to confirm that the fish are winter-run and not a different run of Chinook.  They are also tested for relatedness to decrease the chance of inbreeding and maximize the genetics diversity.  Prior to release all juvenile fish receive a coded-wire tag and an adipose-fin clip.  

    Small golden fish inside of a beaker
    An adult delta smelt being reared at the Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery. | Image Details

    Livingston Stone NFH also houses a refugial population of Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) for the UC Davis Fish Conservation and Culture Lab (FCCL).  The delta smelt is a small fish (5"-7") endemic to the San Francisco Bay-Delta and is currently listed as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act.  They typically only live for one year and die after spawning.  At the hatchery they are housed separately from the Chinook; their water source is disinfected with UV and the water is temperature controlled.  Their diet consists of rotifers for young fish and artemia for larger fish.  

    Our Species