Visit Us
Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery operations are considered pivotal for the enhancement of anadromous fish runs as well as meeting the resident salmonid program needs for the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon. Enhancing anadromous fish runs in all Reservation waters to meet the future needs of the resource as well as those of the Tribe is a high priority.
If you or your group would like a tour of the facility, please call ahead to schedule this so that we can adjust plans accordingly and make time in the daily project list to be able to show you around and answer questions in more depth. You can reach the hatchery at (541) 553-1692.
The hatchery offers a short walk-around guided tour of the hatchery. This walk allows you to view the Visitor Center, Adult Holding Ponds, Rearing Ponds and also offers a bird's-eye view of our Boiler/Chiller Room. This is a complicated set of machinery that allows us to warm our water in the colder winter months and chill our water in the hot, dry summer months.
Other Facilities in the Complex
We're part of the Columbia River Gorge National Fish Hatchery Complex, which includes the Carson, Eagle Creek, Little White Salmon, Spring Creek, Warm Springs, and Willard National Fish Hatcheries. Our complex propagates, releases, and transfers to partners over 25 million salmon to meet the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's fisheries mitigation, restoration, and tribal trust responsibilities. Explore what each facility has to offer below.