CITES Digitized High-Volume Permit Applications

Below are the five most high-volume permit applications we receive, which are all for the export of wildlife under CITES.

3-200-24: Export of Live Captive-Born Animals and/or Parts/Products from Non-Native Species under CITES

This application used to apply for a permit to export non-native, live, captive-born animals and/or parts and products manufactured from such animals from the United States.

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3-200-29: Export/Re-export of Wildlife Samples and/or Biomedical Samples (CITES)

This application is used to apply for export or re-export of biological samples for biomedical or scientific purposes for CITES Appendix II or III listed species only. 

 APply for Permit 

3-200-32: Export/Re-Export of Plants and Plant Products under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

This application covers a wide range of CITES related activities for CITES-listed plant species, whether live or dead and including any readily recognizable parts, products, or derivatives unless otherwise noted in the Appendices.

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3-200-34: Export of American Ginseng (CITES) (Multiple Commercial Shipments)

This application is used to request authorization to export multiple commercial shipments of artificially propagated, or wild-harvested American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) for international trade under a Master File. For single (one time export) shipments of American ginseng, submit application 3-200-32: Export / Re-Export of Plants and Plant Products under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

 APply for a Permit

3-200-73: Re-Export of Wildlife (CITES)

This application is used to request authorization to re-export wildlife listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). 

 APply for a Permit