Additional Information and Helpful Links

Additional Information and Helpful Links

Our electronic permitting program provides questions to commonly asked questions, and other helpful information concerning electronic permits

Our program can answer questions specific to importation or exportation under CITES, certain activities under the Endangered Species Act, paper permit applications specific to our program, or other wildlife laws by contacting

Our Office of Law Enforcement has information on importing and exporting commercial wildlife shipments including their wildlife inspection offices.

We encourage permit applicants to review our tips and reminders for completing applications.

Information concerning how to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Import and Export Nexus with other Federal Agencies and CITES.

Contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to determine their import and export requirements for agricultural and food products including animal quarantine and health certificates for pets

Review the Center for Disease Control's Permit Program for information such as bringing live animals and animal products into the United States.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries can answer additional questions regarding the import or export of ESA-listed species (marine and anadromous species), MMPA-listed species (whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions), and other related permits needed to import or export fishery products not found on in our Do I Need a Permit guidance.

Contact the U.S. National Science Foundation for information on an Antarctic Conservation Act Permit, which is required to import or introduce from the sea specimens taken from Antarctica.

CITES provides contact information for another country's scientific and management authorities.

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