IA Permits by Application Number

Below are the permit application forms that we (International Affairs) are responsible for. Once you select your appropriate application form, it will open an informational webpage where you can begin the application process.

Our Frequently Asked Questions provide answers to many questions about the application process.

If you have additional questions or need technical help applying for a permit, please visit our Help Center.

Application Form NumberTitle of Application Form
3-200-19Import of Sport-Hunted Trophies of Southern African Leopard and Namibian Southern White Rhinoceros (CITES/ESA)
3-200-20Import of Sport-Hunted Trophies (Appendix I of CITES and/or ESA)
3-200-21Import of Sport-Hunted Trophies of Argali (ESA)
3-200-22Import of Sport-Hunted Bontebok Trophies from South Africa (ESA)
3-200-23Export or Re-Export of Pre-Convention, Pre-Act, or Antique Specimens (CITES, MMPA, or ESA)
3-200-24Export of Live Captive-Born Animals and Products/Parts from Foreign Listed Captive-born Animals (CITES) (Non-Native Species under CITES Appendix II or III)
3-200-25Export of Raptors under CITES and/or THE Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) (Live animals)
3-200-26Commercial Export of Skins of 6 Native Species: Bobcat, River Otter, Lynx, Alaskan Brown Bear, Alaskan Gray Wolf, and American Alligator (CITES)
3-200-27Export of Wildlife Removed from the Wild (Live/Samples/Parts/Products) (CITES)
3-200-28Export of Trophies by Hunters or Taxidermists (CITES)
3-200-29Export/Re-Export of Wildlife Samples and/or Biomedical Samples (CITES)
3-200-30Export/Re-Export/Reimport of Circuses, Traveling Animal Exhibitions, or Museum Exhibitions (and Reissuance) (CITES/ESA) 
3-200-30aAnnual Report for Exhibition Permittees
3-200-31Introduction from the Sea (CITES)
3-200-32Export/Re-Export of Plants (CITES) (including Plant Products and non-commercial American ginseng exports)
3-200-33CITES Export of Artificially Propagated Live Plants or Plant Parts (Single and Multiple Commercial Shipments)
3-200-34Export of American Ginseng (Multiple Commercial Shipments) (CITES)
3-200-35Import of Wild-Collected Appendix I Plants (CITES)
3-200-36Export/Import/Interstate and Foreign Commerce of Plants (CITES and/or ESA) (Re-Export)
3-200-37aImport/Export/Re-export of Live Animals (CITES/ESA)
3-200-37bExport of Live Animals Under a Valid CBW (CITES/ESA)
3-200-37cTake (Cull, Lethal Harvest) of a Live Animal Under a Valid CBW (ESA)
3-200-37dInterstate or Foreign Commerce of Live Animals/Samples/or Products (ESA)
3-200-37eImport/Export/Re-export of Biological Specimens (CITES/ESA) for Scientific Research
3-200-37fImport of Live African Elephant from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabweand Southern White Rhino from eSwatini South Africa (and Namibia) (CITES)
3-200-37gAnnual Report for Take (cull/lethal harvest) permits
3-200-39Certificate of Scientific Exchange (CITES)
3-200-39aAnnual Report for CITES COSE Certificates
3-200-40Export and Re-Import of Museum Specimens (ESA)
3-200-40aAnnual Report for ESA-listed Museum Specimens
3-200-41Captive-bred Wildlife Registration (ESA)
3-200-41aAnnual Report for CBWs
3-200-42Import/Transport of Injurious Wildlife (and Acquisition) (Lacey Act) 
3-200-46Import/Export/Re-Export of Personal Pets (CITES and/or Wild Bird Conservation Act) (ESA)
3-200-47Import of Birds for Scientific Research or Zoological Breeding and Display (WBCA)
3-200-48Import of Bird(s) Under an Approved Cooperative Breeding Program (WBCA)
3-200-49Approval, Amendment or Renewal of a Cooperative Breeding Program (WBCA)
3-200-50Approval of Sustainable Use Management Plan Under WBCA
3-200-52Reissuance, Renewal, or Amendment of a Permit (use this form if mailing in a paper request)
3-200-53Export/Re-Export of Live Captive-Held Marine Mammals (CITES)
3-200-58Permit Issued Retrospectively--Supplemental Application (CITES)
3-200-61Annual Report--American Ginseng Export Program (for approved state Ginseng programs only)
3-200-64Certificate of Ownership for Personally Owned Wildlife "Pet Passport" (CITES)
3-200-65Registration of Appendix-I Commercial Breeding Operations (CITES)
3-200-66Replacement Document (CITES/ESA/MMPA/WBCA/Lacey Act)
3-200-69Transport of Bald and Golden Eagles from the United States for Scientific or Exhibition Purposes (CITES)
3-200-70Export/Re-Import/Transport of Bald and Golden Eagles for Indian Religious Purposes (CITES) (for Native American Religious Purposes)
3-200-73Re-Export of Wildlife (CITES)
3-200-74Partially Complete Certificates Under a Master file or Annual Program File (CITES) (use this form if mailing in a paper request)
3-200-75Registration of a Production Facility for Export of Native CITES Species (for Multiple Shipments)
3-200-76Export of Caviar or Meat of Paddlefish or Sturgeon Removed from the Wild (CITES)
3-200-80Export of Fertilized Live Eggs, Caviar or Meat from Aqua-cultured Paddlefish or Sturgeon (CITES)
3-200-85Establishment of a Master File for the Export of Live Animals Bred in Captivity in the United States (CITES) (Multiple Commercial Shipments)
3-200-88Export of Pre-Convention, Pre-Act, or Antique Musical Instrument/Traveling Exhibition Certificate (MMPA, ESA, and/or CITES)