About Us
Kooskia National Fish Hatchery, authorized by Congress in August 1961, was established to rear spring chinook salmon for release into the Clearwater River basin. Construction of the hatchery was started in 1966. Fish production, begun in 1969, established runs of adult spring chinook salmon returning to Clear Creek. Smolts released from the hatchery return 2-3 years later as 7-20 pound adults. The hatchery is located 1.5 miles southeast of Kooskia, Idaho near the confluence of Clear Creek and the Middle Fork Clearwater River.
In 2007, the certification of the Snake River Basin Adjudication settlement included transfer of hatchery management to the Nez Perce Tribe, who are responsible for day-to-day fish production, supporting the goal to raise and release up to 600,000 juvenile Spring Chinook salmon annually.
What We Do
Spring Chinook Salmon Production
Adult salmon are trapped at Kooskia from May through August, and transported to Dworshak hatchery for spawning. Eyed eggs are returned to Kooskia in the fall, where they are incubated, hatched and reared. They are released 18 months later into Clear Creek, to migrate 540 miles past 8 dams to the Pacific Ocean. Salmon smolts released at the hatchery return 2-3 years later as adult fish.
Our Species
Adult spring Chinook salmon are trapped in Clear Creek at Kooskia National Fish Hatchery from May through August, and then transported to Dworshak National Fish Hatchery for spawning. "Eyed" eggs are returned to Kooskia in the fall, where they are incubated, hatched, and reared. They are released 18 months later as smolts (juvenile salmon) into Clear Creek. There they begin a 540 mile migratory journey to the ocean, from Clear Creek into the Clearwater River, then the Snake River, and then the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. Along the way they will pass eight hydroelectric dams.
Salmon smolts released at the hatchery return 2-3 years later as adult fish.
Visit Us
Driving Directions
Kooskia National Fish Hatchery is located 2 miles east of Kooskia, Idaho, on Clear Creek Road. Take either bridge exit off Highway 12, follow posted signs to the main hatchery entrance.
Location and Contact Information
- Kooskia National Fish Hatchery318 Toll Road Kooskia, ID 83539-5190