About this Collection

The purpose of the Cooperator Science Series is to facilitate the archiving and retrieval of research project reports resulting primarily from investigations supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), particularly the Office of Conservation Investment. The online format was selected to provide immediate access to science reports for FWS, state and tribal management agencies, the conservation community, and the public at large.

The Cooperator Science Series was initiated in 2013. Its purpose is to facilitate the archiving and retrieval of research project reports resulting primarily from investigations supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), particularly the Office of Conservation Investment. The online format was selected to provide immediate access to science reports for FWS, state and tribal management agencies, the conservation community, and the public at large.

All reports in this series have been subjected to a peer review process consistent with the agencies and entities conducting the research. For U.S. Geological Survey authors, the peer review process also includes review by a bureau approving official prior to dissemination. Authors and/or agencies/institutions providing these reports are solely responsible for their content. The FWS does not provide editorial or technical review of these reports. Comments and other correspondence on reports in this series should be directed to the report authors or agencies/institutions. In most cases, reports published in this series are preliminary to publication, in the current or revised format, in peer reviewed scientific literature. Results and interpretation of data contained within reports may be revised following further peer review or availability of additional data and/or analyses prior to publication in the scientific literature.

The Cooperator Science Series is supported and maintained by the FWS, National Conservation Training Center at Shepherdstown, WV. The series is sequentially numbered with the publication year appended for reference and started with Report No. 101-2013. Various other numbering systems have been used by the FWS for similar but now discontinued report series. Starting with No. 101 for the current series is intended to avoid any confusion with earlier report numbers.

The use of contracted research agencies and institutions, trade, product, industry or firm names or products or software or models, whether commercially available or not, is for informative purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Government.