About this Collection
This library of documents serves as the Dover Chemical/Sugar Creek, Ohio Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Administrative Record Index.
Search this collection | I. Reference Library | II. Trustee Coordination and Management | III. Pre-assessment Phase | IV. Assessment Phase | V. Post-assessment Phase | VI. Restoration Phase | Return to Dover Chemical Corporation Sugar Creek Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration main page
I. Reference Library (Laws, Regulations, and Literature)
II. Trustee Coordination and Management
Trustee Memorandum of Understanding
Trustee Council Resolutions
III. Pre-assessment Phase (43 C.F.R. § 11.20-§ 11.25)
Pre-assessment Screen and Determination (43 C.F.R. § 11.23) and Notice of Intent to Perform Damage Assessment
- Notification of, and Invitation to Participate in, Dover Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Site, Tuscarawas County, Ohio Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Preassessment Screen and Determination for Natural Resources Damages Related to Releases from the Dover Chemical Corporation Facility, City of Dover, Tuscarawas, Ohio
- Correspondence from NRDA Trustees to Dover Counsel (May 13, 2010)
IV. Assessment Phase
Assessment Plan (43 C.F.R. § 11.30- § 11.60)
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan for Sugar Creek Valley Assessment Area (July 13, 2011)
- Sugar Creek Fish Health Assessment, Contaminant Exposure Analysis Work Plan (April 21, 2015)
V. Post-assessment Phase (43 C.F.R. § 11.90- § 11.92)
Report of Assessment (43 C.F.R. § 11.90)
- Press Release
- Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Sugar Creek Valley Natural Resource Damage Assessment at the Dover Chemical Corporation Site (October 3, 2022)
- Proposed Consent Decree
VI. Restoration Phase
Draft Restoration Plan / Environmental Assessment
Final Restoration Plan / Environmental Assessment (43 C.F.R. § 11.93, see also 43 C.F.R. § 11.81) and NEPA Decision Document/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Final Restoration Plan / Environmental Assessment
Restoration Implementation
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