About this Collection
The Rangewide Northern Long-eared Bat (NLEB) and Tricolored Bat (TCB) Determination key (DKey) is one of the final consultation streamlining tools available for NLEB and is only applicable to TCB if the final determination is to list the species under the Endangered Species Act. The goal of this DKey is to streamline review of routine, predictable projects that are not likely to adversely affect the NLEB and/or the TCB. The DKey is available through the Service’s Information for Planning and Consultation website for projects with NLEB and/or TCB on their official species list. Now that the DKey is finalized in the production version of IPaC, project proponents are able to receive automatic verification or concurrence for some actions and create official records for those outcomes for Endangered Species Act section 7 consultation.
The collection of documents below includes documents and information necessary for project proponents to complete the DKey for the NLEB and the TCB.