About this Collection

We have issued internal guidance and national policies to promote efficiency and nationwide consistency in implementing the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to conserve and recover listed species of plants and animals native to the United States and its territories. Below you will find links to summaries of our major policies related to ESA section 7 interagency consultations.

Policies and Regulations

Policy or RegulationDateDocument
Notice of Availability: Final Endangered Species Consultation Handbook for Procedures for Conducting Consultation and Conference Activities Under Section 7 Section 7
Section 7 Consultation The Endangered Species Act (ESA) directs all Federal agencies to work to conserve endangered and threatened species and to use their authorities to further the purposes of the Act. Section 7 of the Act, called "Interagency Cooperation," is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.

Learn more about Section 7
of the ESA
June 10, 199964 FR 31285
Guidance on Streamlining Section 7 Consultation on Hazardous Fuels Treatment ProjectsJanuary 13, 200368 FR 1628
Joint Counterpart ESA Section 7 Consultation Regulations - National Fire PlanDecember 8, 200368 FR 68254
Joint Counterpart ESA Section 7 Consultation Regulations - FIFRA (Pesticides)August 5, 200469 FR 47731
Interagency Rule Amending Incidental Take Statement ProvisionsMay 11, 201580 FR 26832
Interagency Rule Amending Definition of Destruction or Adverse Modification of Critical Habitat RuleFebruary 11, 201681 FR 7214
Regulations for Interagency CooperationAugust 27, 201984 FR 44976
Revised Regulations for Interagency CooperationApril 5, 202489 FR 24268