3-186a Migratory Bird Acquisition and Disposition

This form is for use of holders of Federal Raptor Propagation permits and State Falconry permits. It must be completed for each transfer, acquisition, release, loss, or rebanding of a migratory bird held under the permit. Raptor propagation permittees must submit it to the appropriate U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit office within 5 days of the activity. Falconry permittees must submit it to their state falconry permitting office within 5 days of the activity. Falconry permittees may submit the information in the electronic database at https://epermits.fws.gov/falcp/Default

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Birds surround two herring fishing boats
The purpose of Migratory Bird Permits is to promote long-term conservation of migratory birds and their habitats and encourage joint stewardship with others.
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Migratory birds