A Federal Raptor Propagation Permit is required to capture from the wild, possess, transport, import, purchase, barter, or offer to sell, purchase, or barter any raptor, raptor egg, or raptor semen for propagation purposes. You must have at least 2 full years of experience handling raptors. Any raptors that you are authorized to hold, must be maintained in humane and healthful conditions [per 50 CFR 13.41]. You must also have adequate facilities for the number and species you intend to possess [per 50 CFR 21.85(c)(1-2) and 50 CFR 21.85(w)(3)].
All captive bred raptors must be banded with a numbered seamless band we provide. To request bands, submit a Band Order Form.
Hybrids are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Hybrids that include at least one Migratory Bird Act protected species are federally protected and require a federal permit.
Bald eagles or golden eagles cannot be propagated.