Draft environmental assessment for continued aerial herbicide application at Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, Shiawassee National Wildlife and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Complex

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public review and comments regarding a draft environmental assessment for continuing aerial herbicide application at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Complex. The refuges have historically implemented aerial herbicide application as part of integrated pest management efforts.

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Aerial view looking down on two kayakers in a marsh with lots of green aquatic vegetation on surface, green forest in background
The Detroit River has long served the United States and Canada as a vital transportation corridor and center for industries that helped forge the economies of both nations. As a result of this growth, the river and its ecosystem have paid a high price for human progress. Indeed, in our mind and in...
Shiawassee Fawn in Tallgrass by Kim LeBlanc
The 10,000 acre Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1953 for use as an inviolate sanctuary and for any other management purposes of migratory birds. The refuge also serves as an ideal destination for recreation. As a designated Important Bird Area, it is a place of global...
Green visitor center building with orange sunrise reflected in the pond in front.
Established in 1961, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge protects a network of wetlands, grasslands and forests to provide habitat for a variety of migratory birds, resident wildlife and threatened and endangered species. This network of land covers more than 8,000 acres and when combined with the...
FWS and DOI Region(s)