Exclusionary Fencing

  • For work conducted during the active season in Tier 1 habitat, use exclusionary fencing to keep eastern massasauga rattlesnake (EMR) out of the area of disturbance.
  • Prior to access of suitable habitat by any equipment (including for vegetation removal), install exclusionary fencing around the work area. Exclusionary fencing will serve as a barrier to keep EMR out of these areas of disturbance.
  • The exclusionary fencing will typically be traditional silt fence that is set up outside of all areas of disturbance and other types of fencing (e.g., snow fence used to delineate the work zone). Do not use fencing materials that can entangle or injure snakes.
  • The exclusionary fencing should be checked regularly (i.e., at least weekly for the duration of the project) to ensure the integrity of the barrier.
  • Ideally, the exclusionary fencing would be installed during the inactive season to ensure snakes are not trapped inside the work zone. If that is not possible, the fencing should be installed a minimum of 1 day before construction activities begin.
  • During the active season, the work area (i.e., interior of exclusionary fencing) should be cleared of EMR by a trained individual (someone who has received training in identification of EMR, its life history, and protection status; or otherwise approved by the Service) to ensure no EMR are trapped in the work area prior to beginning construction activities.
  • Any snakes found within the exclusionary fencing should be safely moved out of the area of disturbance by a qualified individual. This video has more information on how to safely move snakes.
  • Once construction activities are complete, the exclusionary fence must be properly removed from the site
  • Exclusionary fencing is not necessary if the work can be conducted entirely within the inactive season.