Feasibility Assessment of Sea Otter Reintroduction to the Pacific Coast

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Cover photo for the Feasibility Assessment: Sea Otter Reintroduction to the Pacific Coast with a collage of photos including kelp and fish under water, a mother sea otter holding her pup in the water, people looking at fishing boats, otter swimming on back eating a sea urchin, and a view above water looking at the kelp beneath.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was directed by Congress to look at the feasibility and cost of reintroducing sea otters on the Pacific Coast, including Oregon, Washington, and California. This directive stemmed from language that was included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2021, Sea otters have been absent from most of the Pacific Coast for more than 100 years, since their near extinction as a result of the maritime fur trade. 

This Feasibility Assessment of Sea Otter Reintroduction to the Pacific Coast (Assessment) constitutes our report to Congress.

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Many sea otters floating in the ocean

Southern sea otters, also known as California sea otters, can be found in nearshore areas along the central California coastline, including areas of high human activity, like harbors. As a keystone species, they play a fundamental role in the natural food web, and keep important elements of...

FWS Focus
Sea otters floating in a group

Sea otters are a member of the weasel family (Mustelidae) and live in the near-shore waters along the North Pacific Ocean. They are the smallest of marine mammals and are excellently suited to their marine environment with adaptations in their skeletons, teeth, and fur.


FWS Focus