Indigenous Engagement with the Alexander Archipelago Wolf: An Applied Study of Culture and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Interim Report

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Indigenous Engagement with the Alexander Archipelago Wolf: An Applied Study of Culture and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Interim Report

Interim Report Published with the Species Status Assessment
Submitted to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by Sealaska Heritage Institute
Cooperative Agreement Number F22AC00887
August 15, 2022

The interim report is appended to the final Species Status Assessment for the petition of the Alexander Archipelago wolf. An earlier version dated July 12, 2022 was appended to the draft Species Status Assessment for peer and partner review. A final report will be submitted in December 2023.

The Service’s Species Status Assessment in response to a petition to list the Alexander Archipelago wolf under the ESA couldn’t have been adequately prepared without including the voices of Indigenous people who have a deep connection with the species and an understanding of wolves that differs from the Western scientific understanding.

Devlin Shaagaw Anderstrom
Jeffrey J. Brooks
Jon Rowan
Judith Ramos
Michael Arne Jackson
Michael Gitwaayne Douville
Scott Jackson
Sid Edenshaw
Stephen J. Langdon
Thomas Allen George
Thomas Mills
Tony Sanderson
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The Alexander Archipelago wolf is a subspecies of gray wolf (Canis lupus) that occurs along the mainland of Southeast Alaska and coastal British Columbia west of the Coast Mountains and on larger islands except Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof islands and all the Haida Gwaii, or Queen...

FWS Focus
Subject tags
Traditional ecological knowledge
Wildlife management
FWS and DOI Region(s)