Kaua'i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project

Photo By/Credit

Lindsay Young/Pacific Rim Conservation/Pacific Rim Conservation

Date Shot/Created
Media Usage Rights/License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0
The effort is a collaboration between American Bird Conservancy, Kaua‘i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Pacific Rim Conservation, State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative provided critical support for predator control in collaboration with State of Hawaiʻi DLNR at montane nesting areas within the Hono O Na Pali Natural Area Reserve. The National Tropical Botanical Garden provided important assistance with vegetation restoration at the translocation site on Nihoku. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation provided critical funding support.