Mariana Trench Marine National Monument - Draft Monument Management Plan - EA

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Thumbnail photo of Mariana Trench Marine National Monument draft Monument Management Plan

The draft Monument Management Plan is the proposed road map for protecting and connecting with the Monument and learning about its marine resources and geologic features. It details a series of management activities that are captured in 11 action plans to meet the six Monument management goals. 

NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in cooperation with the CNMI Government, prepared the draft Monument Management Plan. They received significant input from the Mariana Trench Monument Advisory Council. Public comments received during the 2012 public scoping meetings held in the CNMI and Guam helped shape the plan.  

The plan defines agency management roles and responsibilities and lays out the goals, objectives, and proposed management activities for the next 15 years. It includes an environmental assessment to evaluate the potential impacts of implementing the proposed management actions. 

Kate Toniolo
Laura Beauregard
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Marine environments
FWS and DOI Region(s)