Monitoring of Native Fish in Tryon Creek City of Portland FY 2012-2019 Final Report

Tryon Creek is a relatively undisturbed urban watershed located in southwest Portland, Oregon. The habitat is well suited for native fish; however, the lower portion of the stream is bisected by a culvert that runs under Oregon State Highway 43. To improve habitat and passage conditions for anadromous fish, a collaborative project retrofitted the culvert with a new baffle system, elevated the pool below the culvert, and enhanced floodplain habitat. From 2005-2019, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service worked with the City of Portland to assess the response of multiple species historically present, or believed to be present, in Tryon Creek. Goals were to evaluate fish 1) community, 2) relative abundance, and 3) residence time downstream of the Highway 43 culvert (confluence habitat), 4) estimate the population abundance of trout species upstream of the Highway 43 culvert and 5) investigate larval lamprey occupancy throughout the creek. Between 2012 and 2019, we handled a total 7,425 individual fish among 22 species in the confluence habitat. Native fish were the most abundant comprising 64% (n = 14) of the species captured and 99% (n = 7,351) of the individuals captured. The majority of juvenile anadromous salmonids (Chinook and Coho Salmon) captured in the confluence habitat were of wild origin from elsewhere in the Willamette River Basin (2,170/2,234), all other juvenile anadromous salmonids were hatchery-reared (likely from upstream Willamette River hatcheries). Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon were present in the confluence habitat throughout the year and the numbers captured peaked in the winter and spring months. Juvenile anadromous salmonids were detected emigrating from Tryon Creek a median 18 days after their initial capture in the confluence habitat. Salmonids exhibiting both resident and anadromous behaviors (Coastal Cutthroat Trout and hybrid trout) were detected emigrating from Tryon Creek a median 58 days after tagging in the confluence habitat. In 2019, the estimated abundance of trout in 1) Tryon Creek between the Highway 43 and the Boones Ferry Road culverts was 556 (95% CI [474, 660]) individuals, 2) 103 (95% CI [85, 130]) individuals upstream of the Boones Ferry Road culvert and below the SW Maplecrest Drive culvert in Tryon Creek as well as below SW Arnold Street in Arnold Creek, and 3) 63 (95% CI [45, 104]) individuals in Nettle Creek. Since 2005, multiple species of lamprey (primarily larval Pacific Lamprey) have been found in Tryon Creek downstream of the Highway 43 culvert but not upstream of the culvert.

Brook Silver, Fish Biologist, wearing tan waders, black t-shirt and holding a salmonid. She is standing in a shallow creek.
Fish Biologist - Hatchery Assessment
Fish and Aquatic Conservation
Program R,
Access Databases ,
Backpack Electrofishing,
State Collection Permits, ESA 4(d) Authorization, and Section 10 Permits,
Science Communication/Illustration,
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act on the Willamette River Basin Flood Control Project
Julie Harris, Biometrician at CRFWCO, holding a juvenile Pacific Lamprey in the palm of her hand while wearing a black hoodie. Julie is standing next to bushes in a natural setting
Aquatic Statistician - Natural Population Assessment, Passage and Habitat Assessment
Fish and Aquatic Conservation
Additional Role(s)
Co-organizer for the annual Lamprey Technical Information Exchange,
Coordinating and executing the CRFWCO monthly seminar series,
Associate Editor for the American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries Journal
Study Design,
Data Analysis
Grayscale U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service logo
Natural Resources Biologist
Fish and Aquatic Conservation,
Science Applications
Additional Role(s)
Science of the Service Planning Team ,
FAC Representative for Regional Bull Trout Advisory Group ,
Associate Editor for Northwest Science,
Affiliate Professor at Portland State University
Publication date
Type of document
Annual Report
Coho Salmon eggs incubating and hatching at Quilcene NFH in WA State.
The Columbia River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office collaborates with local, state and Tribal partners to conserve, restore, and improve native fish and aquatic resources throughout Oregon and along the Columbia River. We study wild and hatchery aquatic organisms and their populations, support...
A man is fishing in a boat with three young girls. The kids are excitedly pulling a fish out of the water.
The Fish and Aquatic Conservation programs work together to deliver resilient habitats, healthy fish, connected people, and strong partnerships. From habitat restoration to aquatic invasive species prevention, captive breeding to population assessment and monitoring, our programs are driven by the...
Subject tags
Fish migration
Anadromous fish
Freshwater fish
FWS and DOI Region(s)