Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

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Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This publication includes user-friendly information, including photos, on native species appropriate for planting in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and adjacent coastal regions. Although one guide cannot furnish the answers to every question, we have included as much useful information as possible in a limited space. Although the large number of species of plants included here may overwhelm some readers, this guide displays the great diversity of plants available. We hope you will bypass the over-used, non-native and sometimes invasive ornamental plants, and select the equally and often more attractive native plants. Pour through this guide the same way you look through nursery catalogs. Use it to plan and design your next planting, whether it’s a small corner of your front yard, a two-acre meadow seeding, or 100 acres of wetland restoration.

Britt E. Slattery
Susan M. Zwicker
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