PRIMNM Brief.pdf

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A red-footed booby sits on a branch. It had a white body with black tipped wings and red feet.

The Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument falls within the Central Pacific Ocean, ranging from Wake Atoll in the northwest to Jarvis Island in the southeast. The seven atolls and islands included within the monument are farther from human population centers than any other U.S. area. They represent one of the last frontiers and havens for wildlife in the world, and comprise the most widespread collection of coral reef, seabird, and shorebird protected areas on the planet under a single nation’s jurisdiction. This document details the PRIMNM and the national wildlife refuges that fall under its umbrella.

PRIMNM brief(2).pdf1.03 MB1.03 MB
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Two white terns fly forwards. The ocean with waves crashing in the back are behind them.
Welcome to the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument! The Monument encompasses approximately 490,000 square miles of open ocean, coral reef, and island habitats, making the total area of the Monument nearly five times the size of all the U.S. National Parks combined and nearly twice the...
FWS and DOI Region(s)