Prospectus and Invitation for Proposals to Conduct Commercial Big Game Guide Services within Areas of the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

The Izembek National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) is offering opportunities for big game guides to provide commercial services on National Wildlife Refuge lands within the Alaska Game Management Units 9 and 10. Special use permits will be awarded for big game guiding services through a competitive selection process. Prospective applicants are advised to carefully read this prospectus and the Special Use Application and Permit (see Appendix B) before responding.

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A sunset over Izembek Lagoon with a cloudy sky reflecting over the water
Alaska's Izembek National Wildlife Refuge lies between the highly productive waters of the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. The heart of the refuge is Izembek Lagoon, a coastal ecosystem that's home to one of the world's largest eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds. Hundreds of thousands of waterfowl,...
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