Sherburne NWR Open Service Roads Map September 28, 2024

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Sherburne NWR Open Service Roads Map September 28, 2024

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge service roads will be open to vehicles on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 8 am to 2 pm. Gates to access these roads will be closed and locked at 2 pm. Please plan to be out of those areas at that time. 

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge opens up the service roads to vehicles each year only on the day of the Wildlife Festival event.  

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11 sandhill cranes in flight with wings outstretched, with only the sky in the background. The cranes are all flying to the left and the sky is a mix of periwinkle blue and thin white clouds.
The 30,700 acre refuge was established in 1965 at the urging of local conservationists and hunters interested in restoring the wildlife values of the St. Francis River Basin. Following that, the refuge became and remains the largest public land holding in Sherburne County. The refuge is now a wild...
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