Spectacled and Steller's Eiders Coloring Page

Meet Alaska's two threatened sea duck species! Can you spot the differences between them? 

Lisa Teas
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An aerial landscape photo of a large blue lake along forested land, with snow-capped mountains in the background.
Welcome to our Southern Alaska Office! We have dedicated staff working with partners to conserve fish and wildlife via habitat restoration and conservation, fish assessment and management, technical assistance, cost-sharing, funding, and outreach.
Mountains and rivers from aerial view
Based in Fairbanks, and in collaboration with our Utqiaġvik (Barrow) Satellite Office, we work with others to deliver conservation over approximately 338-million acres of Alaska. Our responsibilities generally range from the Yukon River Delta region in southwest Alaska, eastward to the Canadian...
A rocky shoreline of a river. The water is calm. Mist and green branches line the river.
The Ecological Services Program works to restore and protect healthy populations of fish, wildlife, and plants and the environments upon which they depend. Using the best available science, we work with federal, state, Tribal, local, and non-profit stakeholders, as well as private land owners, to...
A swimming bird with a circle around it's eye, which looks like a spectacle

Spectacled eiders are large sea ducks, 52 to 56 centimeters long (20 to 22 inches). In the winter and spring, adult males are in breeding plumage with a black chest, white back, and pale green head with a long, sloping forehead and white patches resembling spectacles around the eyes. During the...

FWS Focus
A white and black bird glides over the water with tundra in the background

43-47 cm. Smallish marine duck with squarish head and angular bill; breeding plumage male unmistakable (in eclipse blackish with white secondary coverts); 1st winter male brown with faint suggestion of male head markings - blackish throat and collar; female red-brown with blue tertials (except...

FWS Focus
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