Stream Crossing Programmatic Biological Opinion and Transmittal Letter

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Programmatic Biological Opinion cover letter

The USFWS’s September 26, 2017 programmatic biological opinion describes in detail the types of stream crossing projects that are eligible to use this streamlined ESA section 7 consultation process, as well as the associated Federal action agency requirements.  Of most importance to potential project proponents is Chapter 2 of the biological opinion, where the Stream Simulation-based project design criteria and construction methods are specified.  Especially relevant pages are 13-16, 18-22, and 23 (starting at Excluded Actions)-42.

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Welcome to the Maine Field Office Website. Our goal here is to provide you with information about what your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maine Ecological Services Office is doing for you and for the fish and wildlife in our area of responsibility, the State of Maine.
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