Updated Stream Crossing Programmatic Notification Form

Document - application/pdf
Stream crossing Project Notification Form

This form identifies key elements of the proposed action but must be accompanied by sufficient additional documentation to ensure that the proposed action fits all applicable design criteria, and that all effects to ESA-listed species and their habitats are within the range of effects considered in the biological opinion guiding this notification process.  Please be sure to completely fill out the Notification Form and include all necessary documentation, like site photos, with your submission.

USFWS_Programmatic_Form_v1.2_111721.pdf434.37 KB434.37 KB
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Piping plover on sandy beach
Welcome to the Maine Field Office Website. Our goal here is to provide you with information about what your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maine Ecological Services Office is doing for you and for the fish and wildlife in our area of responsibility, the State of Maine.
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