USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2020

Aid Project # F-100-R-37

States: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont

Project Title: Connecticut River Basin Anadromous Fish Restoration: Coordination and Technical Assistance

Period Covered: October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020

This annual report provides an opportunity to organize and document, to varying degrees, all work activities conducted by the Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (CTRFWCO), formerly the Connecticut River Coordinator’s Office, which includes work outside of the Connecticut River basin and activities not funded by this grant.

In mid-March 2020, it became clear the Covid-19 situation was going to dramatically impact nearly all FWCO work plans. The evolving situation resulted in not conducting any of the ongoing spring population assessment work that this office has worked to develop for long-term monitoring data. In addition, the planned Adult Blueback Herring Movement and Migration Study, to be cooperatively conducted with USGS Conte Lab and other partners was cancelled. Seasonal paid intern and volunteer intern worker agreements were canceled. Other non-field work related activities of importance were subsequently given more focus/time and are described in this report.

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A man is fishing in a boat with three young girls. The kids are excitedly pulling a fish out of the water.
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