Winter 2023 Fish & Wildlife News

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Winter 2023 Fish & Wildlife News

Fish & Wildlife News is the quarterly magazine of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is written by and about Fish and Wildlife Service employees in offices around the nation. 

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Pangolin on wooden structure San Diego Zoo
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is a global treaty to ensure international trade in wild plants and animals is legal, traceable, and biologically sustainable. As issues of wildlife use grow ever more complex, CITES provides tools to...
Grey, white and black bird on sand in the foreground

Size: 18 cm (7.25 in) in length. Color: Breeding season: Pale brown above, lighter below; black band across forehead; bill orange with black tip; legs orange; white rump. Male: Complete or incomplete black band encircles the body at the breast. Female: Paler head band; incomplete breast band....

FWS Focus
Subject tags
International conservation