Sullivan Creek National Fish Hatchery

Sullivan Creek National Fish Hatchery was originally built by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1930s and utilized by the U.S. Forest Service until World War II. The hatchery became a sub-station of Pendills Creek in 1959. Access to Sullivan Creek is restricted due to the sensitivity of our broodstock.

Visit Us

Sullivan Creek National Fish Hatchery maintains lake trout brood stock as well as future brood stock. Various ages of lake trout brood can be viewed throughout the year. Access to Sullivan Creek NFH is restricted due to the sensitivity of our valuable adult broodfish.

Location and Contact Information



    Tours are by appointment only. Please call Pendills Creek National Fish Hatchery beforehand to see if viewing of our broodfish is available.

    Our Species

    The lake trout is a freshwater char living as a main predator in the Great Lakes. Lake trout are native to the Great Lakes and historically provided a large commercial fishery. Wild lake trout populations nearly vanished after years of overfishing and losses from parasitic sea lamprey. Hatchery stocking was initiated in an effort to stop the decline of this valuable resource and initiation of effective control of sea lamprey.