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The remote location and isolation of the Marianas Trench MNM make it inaccessible to conduct on-site visits for educational or interpretative purposes. Thus, most educational and interpretative opportunities are necessarily delivered remotely through publications, off-site educational programs, displays, or other media, to inform and educate the public regarding the coral reef ecosystem and related marine resources and species of the monument and efforts to conserve them.  

The Mariana Trench Marine National Monument is located in a remote location and consists of, in large part, submerged lands and the deepest waters in the world, making visitation difficult.  A visitor contact station located in Guam provides opportunities for visitors to learn more about the monument, while interacting with staff.  

Monument contact stations located both at Guam National Wildlife Refuge – Ritidian Unit, Guam Nature Center and American Memorial Park Amphitheater, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.   

The Nature Center location is open Wednesday – Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 pm and closed for all federal holidays.  The office may be closed due to weather including high surf and rip tide advisories.  

The Amphitheater location is open Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:30 and closed for all federal holidays.    


Mariana Trench Marine National Monument
Mariana Islands Refuges And Monument ComplexAmerican Memorial Park Amphitheatre 924 Micro Beach RdGarapan, Saipan,96950