Spotted! A Coyote and Badger Hunting Together
An Open Spaces Blog
2 photos: left: coyote and badger trot through field; right: pair lie down
Coyote and badger at Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center. Photo by USFWS | Image Details

Coyotes and badgers are known to hunt together and can even be more successful hunting prairie dogs and ground-squirrels when they work in tandem.  

Studies have shown that this unusual relationship is beneficial for both species. The coyote can chase down prey if it runs and the badger can dig after prey if it heads underground into its burrow systems. 

Each partner in this unlikely duo brings a skill the other one lacks. Together they are both faster and better diggers than the burrowing rodents they hunt.

These partnerships tend to emerge during the warmer months. In the winter, the badger can dig up hibernating prey as it sleeps in its burrow. It has no need for the fleet-footed coyote.

2 photos: left: coyote and badger lie down in field; right: Pair stare off-camera
When hunting together, coyotes and badgers are better predators. Photo by USFWS | Image Details

Coyotes and badgers have a sort of open relationship. They will sometimes hunt together; but they also often hunt on their own.

Each species is a treat to see, but together is even more fascinating and special!

This story is from our Open Spaces blog.

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