We are hosting a special campaign to invite people in the United States to voluntarily relinquish any items containing pangolin or pangolin parts. For example, these could include pangolin scales, claws, leather, mounts, medicinal products, or any other specimens containing pangolin. The purpose of this effort is to reduce the availability of pangolin specimens in circulation, and it will run from December 2024 through March 2025. Detailed information on how to donate your items may be found on our National Wildlife Property Repository website, or email us at NWPR@fws.gov.
Our Library
Visit our Libraries for documents such as Public Bulletins, Annual Reports, and fact sheets related to Commercial Wildlife Trade, Personal Wildlife Trade and more!
Office of Law Enforcement Updates and New Additions
OLE Public Bulletin - Edecs Canceled CITES Permit Feature 01-31-2025
OLE Public Bulletin- Canadian Anguilla rostrata (American Eel) Elver Season Closure 05-02-2024
OLE Public Bulletin- Amendments adopted at CoP19 entered into force 11-28-23.pdf
Work With Us
If you need immediate assistance with fishing or hunting violations, please contact your state fish and wildlife enforcement agency or local police. If you have information about any other wildlife crime, please follow the link below, or call: 1-844-397-8477.
Please do not leave reports requesting assistance for injured wildlife/birds. You can learn more about what to do with injured or orphaned wildlife here.
Rewards Program:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is authorized to pay rewards for information or assistance that leads to an arrest, a criminal conviction, civil penalty assessment, or forfeiture of seized property. Payment of rewards is the discretion of the Service and is linked to specific federal wildlife laws. The amount of any reward we may pay is commensurate with the information or assistance received. Please discuss the possibility of receiving a reward with the Service personnel receiving your information or assistance.