May 6-8, 2015

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

General Information

Hotel Information:

Tuesday, May 5

8:00-4:30 PMGulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel Meeting

(Anyone is welcome to attend. RSVP to James Ballard,,


Wednesday, May 6

8:45-8:55 AM(#2) Adoption of Agenda & Approval of Minutes
8:55-9:15 AM(#3) Overview of South Florida and Everglades habitats and water management

(John Lane, USACOE)
9:15-9:35 AM(#4) Everglades Invasives Action Plan

(Shannon Estenoz, DOI)
9:35-9:55 AM(#5) An Overview of FWC’s Efforts to Prevent, Assess and Manage Nonnative Freshwater Fish

(Kelly Gestring, FWC)
9:55-10:10 AMBREAK
10:10-10:30 AM(#6) Non-native Species in Florida Aquaculture

(Jeffrey E. Hill, Ph.D., UF)
10:30-10:50 AM(#7) Pythons Management Efforts in Florida

(Kristen Sommers, FWC)
10:50-11:10 AM(#8) Pythons Research 

(Kristen Hart/Brian Smith USGS)
11:10-11:30 AM(#9) Florida’s Aquatic Invasive Plant Program

(Jeffrey D. Schardt, FWC)
11:30-11:45 AM(#10) The Use of Dynamic Electric Field to Direct Bighead and Silver Carp Movements

(Jackson Gross MSPH PhD, Smith-Root, Inc.)
11:45-12:00 PM(#11) USDA Animal Control Techniques

(Mike Avery, USDA Gainesville)
12:00-1:30 PMLUNCH
1:30-5:00 PMField Trips
  • Exotic Fish (Kelly Gestring, FWC/Jeff Hill, UF) 
  • South Florida Melaluca Control (Francois LaRoche)
5:00 PMAdjourn

Thursday, May 7

8:00-8:30 AM(#12) Discussion: ANSTF Update

(David Hoskins, FWS)
8:30-9:00 AM(#13) Decisional: QZAP Update

(Dave Britton, FWS/John Wullschleger, NPS/Tom McMahon, Arizona Game & Fish/Leah Elwell, Invasive Species Action Network)

Decision - The ANSTF reaffirms the Quagga-Zebra Mussel Action Plan for Western U.S. Waters for another 5 years.

Yes   __________     No   __________   Additional Action   __________
9:00-9:30 AM(#14) Informational: National Asian Carp Management Update

(Kelly Baerwaldt, FWS/Sam Finney, FWS)
9:30-9:50  AM(#15) Discussion: Discussion: Building Policy Consensus in the West: Update on Development of Model Law and Regulations

(Joanne Grady, FWS)
9:50-10:10 AM(#16) Informational: Addressing AIS Transport at Federally-managed Water Bodies

(Stas Burgiel, NISC/Hilary Smith, DOI/Laura Norcutt, FWS)
10:10-10:30 AMBREAK
10:30-10:40 AM(#17) Decisional: National Snakehead Control and Management Plan

(Laura Norcutt, FWS)

Decision - The ANSTF approves the National Snakehead Control and Management Plan.

Yes   __________     No   __________   Additional Action   __________
10:40-10:50 AM(#18) Decisional: National Invasive Lionfish Prevention and Management Plan

(James Ballard, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission)

Decision - The ANSTF approves the National Invasive Lionfish Prevention and Management Plan.

Yes   __________     No   __________   Additional Action   __________
11:10-11:30 AM(#19) Informational: New Species Occurrences

(Pam Fuller, USGS)
11:30-11:50 AM(#20) Informational: OIT Project and WebCrawler Tool

(Erika Jensen, GLC)
11:50-1:30 PMLUNCH
1:30-2:30 PM(#21) Regional Panel Updates (10 min. each)

1:30-1:40 Great Lakes Panel

1:40-1:50 Western Regional Panel

1:50-2:00 Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel

2:00-2:10 Northeast Regional Panel

2:10-2:20 Mississippi River Basin Regional Panel

2:20-2:30 Mid-Atlantic Regional Panel
2:30-3:30 PM(#22) Decisional:  Regional Panel Recommendations

Great Lakes Panel recommendations: 

The Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species recommends that the ANS Task Force and its member agency

representatives work to advance the priorities and recommendations outlined in the Grass Carp Priorities for the Great 

Lakes  document developed by the Great Lakes Panel

Northeast Panel recommendations:

The Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel recommends that the Task Force identify and secure $60,000 to

restore this funding and begin discussions to identify and secure additional and dedicated sources of support so

that the panels may continue to provide the high level and high quality services and products for which they were

tasked by the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.

Western Regional Panel recommendations:
  1. Provide increased financial support to the panel(s) and continue to provide funding to support highest

    priority implementation components of QZAP.
  2. Re-authorization of NISA: Support and explore ways to re-authorize the National Invasive Species Act.
  3. Federal lands working group document: Encourage the completion and release of the Federal Lands Working group

    document which defines and identifies the role of federal agencies in managing invasives.
  4. ABYC Summit next steps: Support dialog with both ABYC and National Marine Manufacturers Association in follow up

    and outreach to boating community.
  5. Marine Invasive Species Regional Management Plan next steps: Provide professional technical support for the

    development of the plan.
  6. website: Continue to take steps to complete the revision/update of the website in 2015.

Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel Recommendations:

Mississippi River Basin Panel Recommendations:

None at this time.

Mid-Atlantic Panel:

Restoring the previous level of funding for the six regional panels would cost only $60,000 nationally.: The Mid-Atlantic

Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species recommends that the Task Force secure $60,000 and restore this funding immediately,

and initiate discussions to identify and secure additional dedicated sources of financial support for the regional panels, so

that the panels may continue to provide the valuable services and products for which they were tasked by the Aquatic Nuisance

Species Task Force

3:30-3:50 PMBREAK
3:50-4:10 PM(#23) Discussion: Update from the Aquatic Invasive Species Summit: Boat Design and Construction in the

Consideration of AIS

(Brian Goodwin, American Boat & Yacht Council, ABYC)
4:10-4:30 PM(#24) Discussion: Plans for Revitalizing Habitattitude

(Marshall Meyers, Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council)
4:30-4:50 PM(#25) Informational: A National EDRR Framework and Emergency Response Funding Plan

(Hilary Smith, DOI/Stas Burgiel, NISC)
4:50-4:55  PMPublic Comment
4:55 PMAdjourn

Friday, May 8

8:00-10:00 AM(#26) Informational: Member Updates (5 min. each)
10:00-10:20 AMBREAK
10:20-10:40 AM(#27) Discussion: Hydraulic Fracturing for Gas Development as an AIS Pathway

(Stas Burgiel, NISC)
10:40-11:00 AM(#28) Informational: Detection and Management of Monoecious Hydrilla in the Erie Canal

(Michael Greer, Corps of Engineers)
11:00-11:05 AMPublic Comment
11:05-11:25 AM(#29) Meeting Summary

(Laura Norcutt/Don Maclean, FWS)
11:25 AMAdjourn