This engaging photo collection provides a glimpse into the historic, interdisciplinary research expedition to the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument during July, 2024. Employing the RV Connecticut and its talented crew, this incredible team of scientists studied, sampled, and surveyed this magnificent natural treasure and the ocean wildlife that call it home. Stay tuned for future expeditions!
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Visit Us
As the first and only Marine National Monument in the Atlantic Ocean, located roughly 130 miles off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, the Monument holds a special place in the realm of ocean conservation. While the depths of this remarkable marine wonder remains beyond physical reach, we invite you to dive deep through captivating underwater expeditions from the comfort of your own screen.
Location and Contact Information
- Oceanographer Canyon
- Lydonia Canyon
- Gilbert Canyon
- Bear Seamount
- Mytilus Seamount
- Physalia Seamount
- Retriever Seamount
About Us
The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument was established to protect and conserve its unique and pristine ocean habitats, historic objects, and features of high scientific interests for current and future generations of Americans. Spanning approximately over 3.1 million acres displaying unique topography and nutrient-rich waters, the Monument is a living laboratory to protect while uncovering a greater understanding of our ocean's complex ecosystems.
What We Do
Together with the National Ocean Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we collaborate in a shared commitment to the conservation of marine ecosystems and species. Alongside additional partners, we utilize cutting-edge research, innovative conservation strategies and community engagement initiatives to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of this precious marine environment. Working together strengthens our dedication to navigate the complex challenges facing our oceans and strive to safeguard the natural wonders of the Atlantic for all to cherish and enjoy.
Our Species
The Monument is know for its abundance of marine mammals, deep-sea corals, rich diversity of fishes, sea turtles, and seabirds.
Get Involved
Together we can celebrate this unique corner of the Atlantic Ocean and embrace the call to protect and cherish our oceans for generations to come.
Projects and Research
Since the early 1900s, researchers have recognized the uniqueness of the waters and submerged lands within the Monument boundaries. This recognition has piqued the interests of oceanographers, including physical, geological, chemical, and biological oceanographers.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration jointly developed the Monument Management Plan to guide the work of the Monument for the next 15 years and provide a framework for stewardship and management of this special place.
This Plan establishes the long-term vision and framework needed to provide proper care for the Monument’s...