Welcome to Rose Atoll Marine National Monument! Established on January 6, 2009, by President George W. Bush, Presidential Proclamation 8337 gave the secretary of the interior management responsibility for the monument in consultation with the secretary of commerce. This prohibits commercial fishing within the monument, but gives the secretary of commerce, through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, primary responsibility for managing fishery-related activities. The proclamation further provides that the secretary of commerce initiate the process to add the marine areas of the monument to the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

On January 16, 2009, the secretary of the interior delegated his management responsibilities for the monument to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through Secretary’s Order 3284. The USFWS works in partnership with NOAA and the government of American Samoa to carry out the requirements of the presidential proclamation and secretary’s order.

Location and Contact Information

  • Rose Atoll Marine National Monument
    C/O Pacific Reefs National Wildlife Refuge Complex 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 5-231 Honolulu, HI 96850-5000
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    Our Library

    Our Library includes library collections containing a variety of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service publications, reports, fact sheets, media and documents along with other reference material.

    Rose Atoll Comprehensive Conservation Plan (2014)

    The purpose of a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) is to specify a management direction for the Refuge for the next 15 years. The goals, objectives, and strategies for improving Refuge conditions, including the types of habitat we will provide, partnership opportunities, and management...

    PIFWO and NOAA Fisheries Compliance Guide

    This guide provides information on how to comply with fishing requirements in the Marianas Trench, Pacific Remote Islands, and Rose Atoll Marine National Monuments. Regulations are subject to change, so fishermen must familiarize themselves with the most recent changes and are responsible to...