About Us
Our office meets U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service goals and responsibilities in the Columbia River basin from McNary Dam in the south to the Canadian border, including the Yakima, Wenatchee, Entiat, Chelan, Methow, and Okanogan basins and the areas above Chief Joseph Dam.
Our Species
Pacific Salmon
Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytcha
Coho Oncorhynchus kisutch
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Bull Trout Salvelinus confluentus
Brook Trout (non-native/invasive to Pacific Northwest U.S.) Salvelinus fontinalis
Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus
Projects and Research
We have four programs:
- Yakima Basin Program: We focus on monitoring and evaluation, bull trout trapping and hauling at Bureau of Reclamation dams, mussel monitoring, improving instream flows, restoration, protecting existing high-quality habitat, and providing fish access to headwaters.
- Native Fish Conservation Program: We evaluate and monitor bull trout, Pacific lamprey, and other understudied aquatic species to evaluate the status of populations and assist with conservation efforts.
- Hatchery Evaluation Program: We look for ways to optimize the performance and contribution of the fish we raise in our hatcheries.
- Habitat Restoration Program: We work cooperatively with our partners to enhance and restore aquatic habitats through innovative techniques and best available science for the benefit of our native species in the Mid- and Upper Columbia.
Visit Us
Please call before your visit. Our biologists are often out doing fieldwork or meeting with colleagues. (509) 548-7573
To find our building, following Icicle Road south from Leavenworth. At two miles, you will pass the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery on your left. Continue on Icicle Road another half mile. Where the road makes a sharp turn to the right, you will go straight onto CYO Road. Just past O'Grady's Restaurant, turn left. The office is past a gate.