Ways to Get Involved

National Public Trails Day and National Public Lands
These days are the nation’s largest hands-on volunteer efforts to improve and enhance the public trails and lands that Americans enjoy. In 2005, nationwide, nearly 90,000 volunteers-built trails and bridges, planted trees and plants, and removed trash and invasive plants. In the Bozeman Area, Gallatin Valley Land Trust, Montana Conservation Corp, MOSS, Circle K International, Center staff and community volunteers come together in June and September to remove invasive weeds along Bridger Creek and improve the Center’s trail system.


The Center is developing a volunteer program with MOSS to provide community service at the Center. Work ranges from grounds, trails and fish culture, to giving tours and working with the Friends of the Center. If you are interested in learning more about what you can do to get involved, please call (406) 994-9952 or go to volunteer.gov.

Our Partners

Montana Outdoor Science School (MOSS)