

Coastal North Carolina NWRs Georeferenced Trail Map

This map can be opened in a mapping app such as Avenza in order to display your location on the trail network. Pull up the map on your phone's browser, tap the "share" icon (arrow coming out of a box), and select Avenza from the list of apps.

Alligator River and Pea Island NWR Interpretive Program Schedule

Alligator River and Pea Island National Wildlife Refuges offer a variety of fun and educational seasonal programs. During the summer, programs range from interpretive presentations to tram and canoe tours. During the off season (Sep-May), the refuges host bird walks and special events.

Pocosin Lakes NWR Interpretive Programs Schedule

Pocosin Lakes NWR is excited to announce regular weekly programs to share the refuge's fascinating wildlife with visitors. Come to the Red Wolf Center to learn about these endangered wolves and visit a pair of live wolves. Or, see nature in a new way through special programs with Pocosin Arts or...