About the Passage and Habitat Program
To implement the mission of the CRFWCO, the Passage and Habitat Team (PHT) represents CRFWCO in regional and national management forums and provides assessments to inform key management decisions needed to determine the status of imperiled natural stocks, to evaluate management measures for recovery, assist in the recovery of these stocks, and to prevent future listings. PHT members lead and participate in forums and management activities including and habitat programs such as the National Fish Passage Program, Partners For Fish and Wildlife, and the National Fish Habitat Action Plan; recovery and conservation planning and implementation programs such as the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative and Bull Trout recovery; subbasin recovery planning such as the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board and WATER: Willamette Action Team for Ecosystem Restoration; collaboration with the National Wildlife Refuge system on Comprehensive Conservation Plans and Inventory and Monitoring Plans; detection and control of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS); Regional and National Climate Teams; ESA permitting and technical assistance for consultation and Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. PHT members work with many partners including other Service programs and offices, federal agencies, state fish and wildlife agencies, Native American tribes, public utility districts, local governments and NGOs. The PHT conducts their work inclusive of the impacts of . We conduct climate change vulnerability assessments, prioritize conservation actions based on climate vulnerability, serve and lead regional and national climate teams and play an active role in the development and implementation of the Service’s Climate Change Action Program.