About Us
Established in 1983, Culebra National Wildlife Refuge prioritizes breeding grounds for native birds and the conservation, management, and restoration of other wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats.
Our History
In 1909, portions of the Culebra archipelago were designated as a wildlife reserve in accordance with an executive order by President Theodore Roosevelt. Administration of the Culebra lands was the responsibility of the U.S. Navy, and the wildlife reserve designation was subject to naval and lighthouse purposes. Several of the small islands of the archipelago, as well as the Flamenco Peninsula, were used for gunnery and bombing practice by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps until their departure in 1976. The following year, portions of the Navy-administered lands were transferred to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and jurisdiction over other portions was transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. On-site administration of the refuge was established in 1983. Approximately one-quarter of the Culebra archipelago’s total land mass is now included within the refuge.
Other Facilities in this Complex
Culebra National Wildlife Refuge is one of many refuges that make up the Caribbean Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Each refuge in the complex plays vital role to conserving our unique, endemic species and resources in the Caribbean.