Featured Species
Eastern North Carolina's federally protected plants and animals
T= Threatened
*Eastern NC ES Lead
- Black - capped petrel - Proposed T
- Eastern black rail - T
- Piping Plover - T and E
- Red-cockaded woodpecker - E
- Roseate tern - E
- Rufa red knot - T
- Wood stork – T
- Bermuda petrel - E
- Atlantic sturgeon - E
- Carolina madtom - E*
- Cape Fear shiner - E*
- Roanoke logperch - E
- Shortnose sturgeon - E
- Spotfin chub - T
- Waccamaw silverside – T*
Insects and spiders
- Carolina Northern flying squirrel - E
- Fin whale - E
- Gray bat - E
- Humpback whale - E
- Indiana Bat - E
- Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) - T
- Red wolf - E*
- Right whale - E
- Sei whale - E
- Sperm whale - E
- Virginia big-eared bat - E
- West Indian manatee -T
Mussels and snails
- Atlantic pigtoe - T*
- Appalachian elktoe - E
- Carolina heelsplitter - E
- Cumberland bean pearlymussel - E
- Dwarf wedgemussel - E
- James spinymussel - E
- Littlewing pearlymussel - E
- Noonday globe - T
- Tar River spinymussel - E*
- Yellow lance – T*
- Magnificent ramshorn snail - E
- Green Floater - T*
- American chaffseed - E
- Blue Ridge goldenrod - T
- Bunched arrowhead - E
- Canby's dropwort - E
- Cooley's meadowrue - E*
- Dwarf-flowered heartleaf - T
- Golden sedge - E*
- Green pitcher plant - E
- Harperella - E
- Heller's blazing star - T
- Michaux's sumac - E*
- Mountain golden heather - T
- Mountain sweet pitcher plant - E
- Pondberry - E
- Roan Mountain bluet - E
- Rock gnome lichen - E
- Rough-leaf loosestrife - E*
- Schweinitz's sunflower - E
- Seabeach amaranth - T*
- Sensitive joint-vetch - T
- Small-anthered bittercress - E
- Small whorled pogonia - T
- Smooth coneflower - E*
- Spreading avens - E
- Swamp pink - T
- Virginia spiraea - T
- White irisette – E
Reptiles and amphibians
- Green turtle - T
- Hawksbill turtle - E
- Kemp's Ridley turtle - E
- Leatherback turtle - E
- Loggerhead turtle – T
- Neuse River waterdog - T*
At-Risk Species
Species that are proposed for listing, candidates for listing, and/or petitioned for listing are known as At-Risk. They are under the authority of state wildlife agencies, thus conservation of these species is led by the states. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) provides a variety of ways for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and our partners to conserve and recover species while reducing regulatory burden.