Featured Species
The conservation work of our office is primarily focused on the federally listed plant and animal species that are found throughout the state. Our staff are regional and national experts on a number of federally listed species, including Atlantic salmon, Canada lynx, Piping plover, and Furbish’s lousewort. Other listed species that we consult on include Northern long-eared bat, red knot, roseate tern, small whorled pogonia, rusty patched bumblebee, and Eastern prairie fringed orchid.
In addition, our conservation and restoration work often benefits critical habitat of listed species, along with candidate species, and state-listed species. Click on any of the species below to visit their national species profile page and learn about their life history, ecology, and distribution. For more Maine-specific information on these species and their habitat, please visit our Maine Listed Species Library Collection and listed species document.
Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the Maine Natural Areas Program pages for additional information on state-listed species.