U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nebraska Ecological Services Field Office

Ecological Services Nebraska Field Office Location:

9325 South Alda Road
Wood River, NE 68883
Phone: (308) 382-6468

Please submit project reviews and consultation requests to our office email at nebraskaes@fws.gov.

Email Address

Key Contacts

Other General Contacts

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

For questions about hunting, fishing, or recreation in the State of Nebraska, call (402) 471-0641 or visit http://outdoornebraska.gov/

Please refer to our staff page for contact info.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nebraska Special Agent

To report a violation of a federal wildlife law (e.g. Endangered Species Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, or Lacey Act) in Nebraska, contact:

Jeremy Ten Kley | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Law Enforcement | Special Agent | Office: (402) 727-4413

Wildlife Rehabilitation in Nebraska

For questions about whether an animal is truly in need of rescue and transported to a licensed rehabilitator, or wildlife rehabilitation in general, please contact the rehab facility nearest to you and the injured animal. Below is a non-inclusive list of contacts in Nebraska:

Nebraska Wildlife Rehab| Phone: (402) 234-2473 | Email: info@nebraskawildliferehab.org

Wildlife Rescue Team Inc. | Phone: (402) 473-1951 | Email: contact@wildliferescueteamincne.org 

Raptor Conservation Alliance | Phone: (866) 888-7261 | Email: rcabirds@gmail.com

Nebraska Humane Society, Animal Control  | Phone: (402) 444-7800

Central Nebraska Humane Society, Animal Control | Phone: (308) 385-5305

Location and Contact Information
