What We Do
As an Ecological Services office, we provide guidance and expertise to avoid and minimize impacts to natural resources for projects such as wind farms, hydroelectric dams, and large scale transportation developments meeting our society's growing energy and transportation needs. Our environmental contaminant specialists review project plans, licenses, and even proposed laws and regulations, to avoid or minimize harmful effects on wildlife and habitats. In cases of significant releases of hazardous waste, they work in the field to pinpoint sources of pollution and investigate effects, using this data to secure compensation for lost or damaged wildlife and habitat.
The biological research and innovative projects conducted within our office provide invaluable knowledge for our staff and partners concerning fish and wildlife resources across the State of New York.
Here are some of our focal programs in New York:
Conservation Planning Assistance
Education and Outreach (coming soon)
Environmental Quality and Natural Resource Damage Assessment
Our Projects and Research
Here are some of our focal projects in New York:
Fish Enhancement, Mitigation and Research Fund